"Thank you - a hundred times thank you. This is just what we needed...When I lost my parents Dr. Emily Dolan shared these cards that she used to help her past her grief with me - I found them tremendously helpful - no one wants to be in the place where they might be needed - but unfortunately we all will... good to have the tools to work though it."
I've always found books on grief to be very overwhelming while grieving. It's hard enough to just get out of bed let alone read a book or take a class. Grief like my own are short nuggets of comfort in manageable sizes. They aren't aimed at fixing anything instead they're aimed at giving you permission to grieve.
When my uncle died I sent a deck of grief like my own cards to my aunt and her children. It was such a blessing to me to be able to show them I cared even though I couldn't make the trip to the funeral during quarantine. And my aunt and my cousin both told me that they were carrying the cards around with them to look at when they needed to. They're small enough you can take them with you anywhere to look at anytime.
“A wonderful gift to those in mourning no matter what the loss.”
"These are really nice ... Very liberating. Thanks for sharing them."