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Seeking Wisdom

In my grief, I find comfort in the wisdom of those who know. Thank you, Alice Walker.

I will keep broken things:

the big clay pot

with raised iguanas

chasing their tails;

two of their wise heads sheared off;

I will keep broken things:

the old slave market basket

brought to my door by Mississippi

a jagged hole gouged

in its sturdy dark oak side.

I will keep broken things:

The memory of those long delicious

night swims with you;

I will keep broken things:

In my house there remains

an honored shelf

on which I will keep broken things. Their beauty is they need not ever be "fixed." I will keep your wild free laughter though it is now missing its reassuring and graceful hinge. I will keep broken things: Thank you So much! I will keep broken things. I will keep you: pilgrim of sorrow. I will keep myself.

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